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Tapestry and rug weaving are created on a Swedish style floor loom using wool fibers and linen

warp. After the tapestry is completed on the loom, it is blocked to give it the final desired shape. It may then be

matted for display in a variety of ways. The rich fibers and woven pattems appeal to the sense of both

sight and touch.

Basketry is created with reed, pine needles and willow. The reed baskets have an  oak,  willow or rattan handle and are then woven with reed from the rattan tree or willow. Willow is also a natural plant to weave with. The willow are grown and harvested every year. Pine needle baskets are woven from pine needles and stitched with waxed sinew.

Animals and furniture are made from willow. Most of the animals I make are life size. Chairs are made from larger willow plants.  

1999 Willow Eagle_edited.jpg
2001 Willow Chair.jpg

This is  one type of willow chair that I have built. Tables, footstools, different size chairs are possible. 

Willow hawk #2


Material: willow on a wood post.

Price: 400

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